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.com vs .net differences in domain extensions

Which is Preferred – .com vs .net?

The .com and .net domain extensions are well-known, but which one is the best for your needs? You’ve probably seen both and you may have even owned both at some time. Understanding the difference, can help you in many ways. Continue reading →


Email Client Setup: Comparing POP vs. IMAP

What is POP and IMAP?

POP (Post Office Protocol). This is a method that your email client can use to connect to our email server for retrieving messages. This connection type allows you to download messages from our email server onto your computer. When looking at your email via your email client, you’re looking at your downloaded copies of those messages, not your original messages that still exist inside of your mailbox. Continue reading →


Email Client Setup: Outlook 2010 – Step by Step Walkthrough (IMAP)

You will need your incoming mail server, outgoing mail server, full email address, and your email password. You can find these settings by logging into your Mail Central.

  1. Open Outlook 2010.
  2. Click File.
  3. Select Info. Continue reading →


Email Client Setup: Outlook 2010 – Step by Step Walkthrough (POP)

You will need your incoming mail server, outgoing mail server, full email address, and your email password. You can find these settings by logging into your Mail Central.

  1. Open Outlook 2010.
  2. Click File.
  3. Select Info. Continue reading →


Are You Ready for HTML 5?

The internet, and the use of the internet, has changed a lot since 1999, when HTML 4.01 became a standard.

Today, several elements in HTML 4.01 are obsolete, never used, or not used the way they were intended. All those elements are removed or re-written in HTML5.

To better handle today’s internet needs, HTML5 has also included new elements for drawing graphics, displaying media content, for better page structure and better form handling, and several new APIs for drag and drop, for finding your geological location, for storing local data, and more. Continue reading →


How to redirect your website to its mobile version

If you’ve created a mobile version of your website, you’ll need to be sure that you redirect your mobile visitors to your mobile website. For example, if someone visits on their phone, you’ll need a way to redirect them to (the mobile version of your site).

If you think about how your redirect actually works, in theory it’s quite east – “If the user is using a mobile device, redirect them to the mobile version of the site”. Continue reading →



What is W3C?

  • W3C Stands for the World Wide Web Consortium
  • W3C was created in October 1994
  • W3C was created by Tim Berners-Lee
  • W3C was created by the Inventor of the Web Continue reading →


Web Hosting Tutorial

A web hosting service is a type of Internet hosting service that allows individuals and organizations to make their website accessible via the World Wide Web. Web hosts are companies that provide space on a server owned or leased for use by clients, as well as providing Internet connectivity, typically in a data center. Continue reading →